
Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)

"I have gained weight and don't know why. I've have been to many doctors and they've checked the thyroid blood work, but found everything is normal." Sound familiar? There are lots of reasons for a suddenly slower metabolism and weight gain. I am sharing this so you can use the information with your doctor team and get the best results for your health! A holistic view of a person, means examining one's lifestyle, diet, hydration, nutrient status, energy/sleep patterns, digestion, other health conditions and often we need a physical exam. It is important to talking about the degree of [...]

Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)2023-04-24T14:00:00+00:00

How do I know if I’m toxic?

Toxicity Self Test Rate each of the following symptoms on a scale from 0 to 5 (5 being the most severe) based on the past 30 days. Read more from Dr. Wells about detoxification. __ Diarrhea __ Constipation __ Belching, passing gas __ Bloated feeling __ Heartburn __ Total __ Itchy ears __ Earaches / infection __ Ringing in ears __ Hearing loss __ Total __ Mood swings __ Anxiety, fear nervousness __ Anger, irritability __ Depression __ Total __ Fatigue, sluggishness __ Apathy, lethargy __ Hyperactivity __ Restlessness __ Total __ Watery, itchy eyes __ Swollen, reddened, or [...]

How do I know if I’m toxic?2021-08-16T20:00:00+00:00

Soothe Emotional Angst with Motherwort

Soothe Emotional Angst with Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) A plant in the mint family, Motherwort gets its name from its ancient use: helping women who had a tendency to "over-mother" and thus experienced more stress, and less joy, in their maternal role. Today, throughout Europe and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it's used as a medicinal herb to treat emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression. It also helps ease symptoms of menstrual distress, as well as physical and emotional exhaustion. Motherwort can be prepared as a tea, tincture, or in capsule form. Depending on the the type of preparation, it can [...]

Soothe Emotional Angst with Motherwort2021-08-15T10:00:00+00:00

Whole Foods Diet

What is a whole foods diet? How to get started? Selecting, preparing, and eating foods close to how they are found in nature: unprocessed; unrefined; and free from preservatives, additives, pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones. Why is it important to eat a whole foods diet?The health of the gut is essential to the health and well-being of the entire body (and mind!). The numerous alterations made to the foods that many Americans consume are deleterious to our health. Our diets are behind the rise of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and other systemic inflammatory diseases. Many other diseases such as depression, [...]

Whole Foods Diet2021-08-12T18:00:00+00:00

Stress Questionnaire

Am I stressed? How do I know if I am stressed? Dr. Wendy Wells often asks patients about stress as illnesses often begin during times of high stress. Answer Yes or No to each of the following questions: Do you have a feeling of continuous anxiety and sometimes of panic? Do you feel tired all the time and find that you complain more and more often that you are not getting enough sleep? Are you always worrying about your health? Do you feel your work is suffering on account of it? Do you often feel depressed for no good [...]

Stress Questionnaire2021-08-09T22:00:00+00:00

Natural remedies for Insomnia

Natural remedies for Insomnia Sleep is vital to life. During sleep is when our bodies heal, regenerate new cells, make growth hormone and thyroid hormone. Without sleep for many days, one can literally go mad.  To find a cure for insomnia one must understand the cause of their sleeplessness.  There are remedies that can help however, even when the cause remains a mystery. Today we will discuss insomnia causes and natural remedies. When we lay down to sleep after a busy day, we need to switch to total relaxation mode. There are many bodily processes involved in this ‘bedtime’ [...]

Natural remedies for Insomnia2019-01-28T19:29:35+00:00

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