
How do I support my immune system?

The immune system for most of us works well when we support with what it needs and eliminate the things that hinder it's function. There are several types of immune cells, some that fight viruses, some that fight bacteria and some that clean up the body of old dead cells. Each immune cell is filled with certain nutrients. If we support our body with these nutrients, our cells can function more optimally. The cleaner our diet is of processed foods and chemicals, the healthier all our cells will be. Last but not least, our microbiome is a very important [...]

How do I support my immune system?2024-01-02T21:12:15+00:00

Anti-Herpes Diet

The key is to optimize the Lysine to Arginine ratio. These are two amino acids found in foods. High arginine foods will increase your risk of getting herpes sores while high lysine foods will decrease your risk. Foods to eat Fish - poached, baked or broiledCalves liver - occasionallyEggs - poached, soft boiled, not friedBrewers Yeast - 1 tbsp dailyYogurt - 1 cupful dailySkin Milk or Cottage Cheese, lowfatPlenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (except Brussel sprouts) Foods to avoid Nuts - almonds, cashews, peanutsBrussel sproutsChocolateGelatinCookies, cakes, ice creamFatty meats and fried foodsRefined carbohydratesSugar

Anti-Herpes Diet2021-08-14T19:00:00+00:00

Top 10 Brain Foods – Power Up!

by Wendy Wells, NMD Eat Apples and enjoy the brain benefits. Quercitin is a plant chemical in apple skins that protect the nerve cells of the brain against free radical attack. When free radicals are high in the brain, cognitive decline is morelikely.Spice up your brain juice with Curry powder. Turmeric is common in curry powder. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent for the brain and the arteries. It also has been shown to inhibit Alzheimer’s disease according to the University of California in LA.Bring more energy to the brain with Brazil nuts. Selenium is found in Brazil nuts. [...]

Top 10 Brain Foods – Power Up!2021-08-10T10:00:00+00:00

COVID-19 Part2: World crisis

World Crisis is Upon Us During this time of great stress, we are here for your health and well-being.  There is much discussion and interest in natural medicines used for prevention or treatment of COVID-19, unfortunately none have been validated by human trials with COVID-19. The best we can do is support the immune system, […]

COVID-19 Part2: World crisis2020-04-15T22:31:21+00:00

Another Cancer Cause Revealed

Colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer diagnosed in men and women in the U.S. The American Cancer Society's estimates for 2014 are 96,830 new cases of colon and 40,000 new cases of rectal cancer. The lifetime risk is 1 in 20 or 5%. There are factors within our control to lessen our chances (research based) such as eating less red meat (beef, lamb, liver), especially processed meats (lunch meat, hot dogs). Also, increasing vegetable and high-fiber foods, and getting daily exercise have been proven to be effective. Obesity, is a strong risk factor within our control, as [...]

Another Cancer Cause Revealed2014-07-20T19:37:52+00:00

Do I need to detox?

The most comprehensive study to date looked at a much smaller number of persons (9) for the presence of 210 different chemicals. Remarkable, in total, all subjects carried the following chemicals: 76 chemicals linked to cancer in humans or animals, 94 chemicals that are toxic to the brain/nervous system, 86 chemicals that interfere with the hormone system, 79 chemicals associated with birth defects, 77 chemicals toxic to the reproductive system, 77 chemicals toxic to the immune system   The burden of chemicals that we all appear to be carrying: Heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury from foods, coal electric plants, [...]

Do I need to detox?2014-05-13T01:44:57+00:00

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