
Chia Seeds: Tiny Powerhouse

Chia Seeds: Tiny Powerhouse         Chia seeds were prized by ancient cultures as a source of sustainable energy. In fact, "chia" is the ancient Mayan word for strength. A tiny nutrition powerhouse, Chia is rich in dietary fiber and contains significant amounts of minerals and vitamins. One ounce of Chia seeds provides calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus among other micronutrients, very little fat, and just 138 calories. With a high amount of antioxidants and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, there are many health benefits associated with Chia seeds. Some studies indicate that people who regularly consume chia seeds [...]

Chia Seeds: Tiny Powerhouse2021-08-13T15:00:00+00:00

Top 10 Brain Foods – Power Up!

by Wendy Wells, NMD Eat Apples and enjoy the brain benefits. Quercitin is a plant chemical in apple skins that protect the nerve cells of the brain against free radical attack. When free radicals are high in the brain, cognitive decline is morelikely.Spice up your brain juice with Curry powder. Turmeric is common in curry powder. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent for the brain and the arteries. It also has been shown to inhibit Alzheimer’s disease according to the University of California in LA.Bring more energy to the brain with Brazil nuts. Selenium is found in Brazil nuts. [...]

Top 10 Brain Foods – Power Up!2021-08-10T10:00:00+00:00

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