
What is Causing Hypothyroidism?

Thyroid medications are the most popular drugs year after year, in 2022. Thyroid medicine was the third most often prescribed drug. Regardless of the medicines available, the rates of hypothyroidism continue to rise. The American Thyroid Association that hypothyroidism more than doubled from 1997 to 2016. My focus today is on the possible causes of hypothyroidism. What are the symptoms of low thyroid function? Fatigue Weight gain Lack of motivation Acne Constipation Hair loss Has anyone ever heard about what causes hypothyroidism? Did anyone ever hear about the fact that heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and others, [...]

What is Causing Hypothyroidism?2024-01-02T21:10:42+00:00

Auto-immunity, the what, where, why and how

My favorite question is "why?".  I ask it many times in my mind during an intake until I really get to the root causes of the health concern.  When we ask ourselves, our body, "why is this happening to me?", we can often find the answers ourselves.  Our body is always trying to communicate to us what it needs and doesn't need.  With awareness of the wisdom of the body, even in its dis-ease, we learn, grow, have hope, and enlighten ourselves and all that we touch.  We learn to trust the body, its vital energy to heal itself, and [...]

Auto-immunity, the what, where, why and how2014-08-09T00:19:12+00:00

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