

NEUROPLASTICITY!! What is it and how can we stimulate it? What's the best diet? What are the best nutrients and supplements?


The 7 Benefits of the Ice Bath

History of cold water therapy The use of cold water for healing was first reported in 3500 BCE in the Edwin Smith Papyrus. Ancient Greeks used it for relaxation and socializing. Hippocrates used water for healing, he said water will cure anything.  Sebastian Kneipp used cold water immersion for healing. In 1849, he had tuberculosis and cured himself with daily dips in the cold Danube River. He began to attract many people who followed and studied with him and soon became known as the "water doctor". Eventually in 1889, he wrote the book, My Water Cure. He is famous [...]

The 7 Benefits of the Ice Bath2024-01-02T21:12:12+00:00

Fluoride Causes Changes to Brain Cells

When fluoride is ingested, 50% is detoxed through the kidneys and the rest is stored in various tissues, such as bones, teeth, and brain.

Fluoride Causes Changes to Brain Cells2023-05-28T16:00:00+00:00

Intermittent Fasting, How to Make It Work For You

There has not been a more helpful tool for health and wellbeing than intermittent fasting while eating a clean healthy whole foods diet. It has been successful to reverse pre-diabetes, lose weight, reduce aches and inflammation in the body, increase energy and to get control of cravings, that endless need to snack. Also the discipline it takes to do this has helped many in other areas of their life as well. It is not our fault, we have been brainwashed. The food industry it's FDA approved processed foods are really not on our side in many ways. Not only [...]

Intermittent Fasting, How to Make It Work For You2024-01-02T21:12:13+00:00

Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)

"I have gained weight and don't know why. I've have been to many doctors and they've checked the thyroid blood work, but found everything is normal." Sound familiar? There are lots of reasons for a suddenly slower metabolism and weight gain. I am sharing this so you can use the information with your doctor team and get the best results for your health! A holistic view of a person, means examining one's lifestyle, diet, hydration, nutrient status, energy/sleep patterns, digestion, other health conditions and often we need a physical exam. It is important to talking about the degree of [...]

Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)2023-04-24T14:00:00+00:00

Whole Foods Diet

What is a whole foods diet? How to get started? Selecting, preparing, and eating foods close to how they are found in nature: unprocessed; unrefined; and free from preservatives, additives, pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones. Why is it important to eat a whole foods diet?The health of the gut is essential to the health and well-being of the entire body (and mind!). The numerous alterations made to the foods that many Americans consume are deleterious to our health. Our diets are behind the rise of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and other systemic inflammatory diseases. Many other diseases such as depression, [...]

Whole Foods Diet2021-08-12T18:00:00+00:00

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