
Auto-immunity, the what, where, why and how

My favorite question is "why?".  I ask it many times in my mind during an intake until I really get to the root causes of the health concern.  When we ask ourselves, our body, "why is this happening to me?", we can often find the answers ourselves.  Our body is always trying to communicate to us what it needs and doesn't need.  With awareness of the wisdom of the body, even in its dis-ease, we learn, grow, have hope, and enlighten ourselves and all that we touch.  We learn to trust the body, its vital energy to heal itself, and [...]

Auto-immunity, the what, where, why and how2014-08-09T00:19:12+00:00

Why am I sensitive to certain foods?

What is happening to me?  Now I am sensitive to foods!  Finally, the body is trying to tell you what foods are harmful, the signal is getting louder, and you are hearing it!  These symptoms are truly blessings in disguise. As you may know, trying to figure out exactly which foods are bothering you can be maddening.  Everyone has 1 or more food intolerances, and have had them since birth.  Many of us don't ever notice symptoms, others notice and patch the symptoms with medications.  In recent years, with the surge of gluten intolerance, the idea of food intolerances is becoming more popular, so [...]

Why am I sensitive to certain foods?2014-06-28T01:41:25+00:00

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