Best Anti-inflammatory Foods List

Inflamatory Food (IF) Rating: Higher = Better BEST ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SPICES:Hot Chile Peppers: IF Rating 50155Garlic Powder: IF Rating 31176Cayenne Pepper: IF Rating 28152Ginger: IF Rating 27551Turmeric: IF Rating 22564Onion Powder: If Rating 11293Ginger Root: IF Rating 27551Curry: IF Rating 5901Fresh Garlic: If Rating 3570 BEST ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FIN FISH AND SHELLFISH:Caviar, Black or Red: IF Rating 2593Anchovy, canned in oil: IF Rating 1024Atlantic Herring: If Rating 1007Atlantic Salmon: IF Rating 907 (of course you should only eat Wild Alaskan Salmon) BEST ANTI-INFLAMMATORY VEGETABLES:Parsley, raw IF Rating: 502Carrot, dehydrated IF Rating: 49Chives, raw IF Rating: 378Peppers, jalapeno, raw IF Rating: 379Grape [...]

Best Anti-inflammatory Foods List2021-08-08T01:15:07+00:00

Avoid Consuming Excitotoxins

Excitotoxins are toxic to the nervous system. They can cause anxiety, tremors, insomnia, seizures, rapid pulse, heart palpitations, gastrointestinal distress, migraines and symptoms of autism. These are found in processed foods and drinks, even ones deemed 'natural' and 'healthy'. THE LIST Glutamate Glutamic acid GelatinMonosodium glutamate Calcium caseinate Textured proteinMonopotassium glutamate Sodium caseinate Yeast nutrient, Yeast extract, Yeast food Autolyzed yeastHydrolyzed protein (any protein that is hydrolyzed)Hydrolyzed corn glutenNatrium glutamate (natrium is Latin/German for sodium)Carrageenan Maltodextrin Malt extractNatural pork flavoring Citric acid Malt flavoringBouillon and Broth Natural chicken flavoring Soy protein isolateNatural beef flavoring Ultra-pasteurized Soy sauceStock Barley malt [...]

Avoid Consuming Excitotoxins2021-08-08T00:54:53+00:00

Exhausted and labs normal? Could it be adrenal fatigue?

"Am I crazy?  The doctor said I am normal!  I have every test and then was prescribed an anti-depressant!" No, no, you are not crazy.  The doctor is just looking in the wrong place for the answers to your health issue. I would like to address one of the most common underlying causes of exhaustion, and that is...Adrenal Fatigue. Our two adrenal glands, are endocrine glands that are located near our kidneys and control many parts of our health.  They secrete adrenaline which gives us energy and resilience during stressful times.  They wake us up in the morning and get us [...]

Exhausted and labs normal? Could it be adrenal fatigue?2024-01-02T20:47:56+00:00

COVID-19 Part2: World crisis

World Crisis is Upon Us During this time of great stress, we are here for your health and well-being.  There is much discussion and interest in natural medicines used for prevention or treatment of COVID-19, unfortunately none have been validated by human trials with COVID-19. The best we can do is support the immune system, […]

COVID-19 Part2: World crisis2020-04-15T22:31:21+00:00

COVID-19 For The Well-Being of All

Be Active in Prevention Keep social distancing, minimize time in public places Avoid touching your face Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water Cover cough with elbow or tissue, wear a mask in public Use Neti Pot to rinse nasal passages Gargle with Listerine Shower when you come home from indoor public places Remember Most people are NOT symptomatic until day 5 of infection Symptoms begin for most with dry cough, fatigue, fever Testing is available and an order can be called in for you have symptoms General Health Stay hydrated, drink 1/2 your body weight [...]

COVID-19 For The Well-Being of All2020-04-14T18:30:28+00:00

Hack Blue Light From Your Life

Blue light is everywhere, it's in the sunlight, produced by light bulbs and also is very prevalent in our screens cellphone, iPad, computers, etc. This light is good for us in the morning, it helps us wake up and get moving.  Unfortunately, it has a bad side as well. Blue light not only strains your eyes but it depletes the body and brain of two vital neuro-hormones: melatonin and dopamine.  Melatonin supports sleep and is anti-inflammatory to the brain. Dopamine controls sleep, mood, attention and memory.  Blue light also can cause you to have an eye condition called macular [...]

Hack Blue Light From Your Life2019-05-16T19:53:47+00:00

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